Deloitte International & Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia


Through PT Hatfield Indonesia, we support the provision of consulting Services as part of Deloitte’s service to the Client (Indonesian Ministry of Finance). Deloitte is providing comprehensive core advisory and management support advisory services in support of the Client’s strategic needs and day-to-day operations. Scope of Work includes preparation for and attend meetings with Deloitte, the Client and its strategic sponsors being the World Bank and the Government of Canada (in-person, and if need be via video-conference and/or tele-conference); development of draft and present for client and strategic sponsor acceptance, an Environmental & Social Assessment Report; provide specific input and advice to Deloitte’s PPP-related deliverables, including the project screening & evaluation tool, as well as the Guideline for Final Business Case Development; produce draft and present for client and strategic sponsor acceptance, project performance indicators and impact summaries in connection with the Environmental and Social Management Framework